Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A year in a flash

Why do I get so behind in my blogging? My last blog was in Feb. and I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth. Well to catch up a bit we are now ending 2009 as tomorrow is the last day of the year. Austin started saying "mama" on Mother's Day, and ironically "dada" on Father's Day. What can I say, the boy likes the special holidays! :) Mikayla started Kindergarten this year and celebrated her 6th birthday a few days later. She got an American Girl doll from her grandma which she LOVES! Mikayla needed a little extra help in school so her teacher "Ms. Stone" suggested this free after-school program two days a week to help her out a little bit. She really has improved in the last couple months! She is so smart! Austin is crawling around like a mad man and celebrated his 1st birthday. A week or so later, his first tooth finally popped through! Now we close the year with a total of two (bottom front). He has already had 3 haircuts with his first one being at 10 months! He eats like his dad.... a lot!

I am still working at Wells and I started my photography business in April right after our family trip in March to Florida. It was great to all take a trip together even though the drive was long. One of many Gorman adventures to come. I finish the year off with business totalling at 1 Wedding, 1 engagement session, 2 family pictures, and just over a dozen Senior pictures. Pretty good for my first year!

Adam is still working at Mandinec and has been really busy lately snow plowing! We got about 2 feet of snow over Christmas. We just got him a newer vehicle (2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited). He is super excited about that. We are selling his truck to a co-worker of his for $400.

Mikayla was diagnosed with "over-active" bladder 7 weeks ago and has been on medication ever since. She is doing much better is staying dry and I am really proud of her for doing so well. Mikayla also joined Girl Scouts this year and I am her troop leader :) Leading Daisies is very fun and the girls are so forgiving when you are not "prepared". :) Mikayla is also in dance again this year and has added Jazz in addition to the Tap and Balet. She is still loving it! Adam can't wait for the "daddy dance" group to start forming as he loves doing that with her.

On December 2nd we found out we are expecting another bundle of joy. We conceived on November 16th (I know TMI). The baby will be due August 9th, 2010 (yes 8-9-10) :) I am happy tax return season is right around the corner because we could really use it! Adam's brother and SIL are also expecting in late July, as well as my cousin Liz and her hubby. My friend Jenny and Kris are also expecting. Lots of babies coming in 2010!

Well I think that summarized my 2009 and I hope everyone has a wonderful 2010! New Year's more.....lots more!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crazy Dream

Update to the weekend....
Adam shut the water softener off and shook it. Turned it back on it started to work It must have just been plugged.
Mikayla is still having tummy issues. I am going make an appointment for her to go to the doctor for a follow up visit.

Funny story I had to share...the whole reason for this post. I went down to Mikayla's room this morning to see how she was feeling before I left for work. I woke her up and she said "I just had the craziest dream" I said "about what?" she says "a walking ticket". I just though that was so funny and she started to laugh.
Adam just called to inform me that it is 10 AM and both kids are still sleeping! NO WAY!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Busy, bad weekend

So the weekend continues...into Monday.

Let me back up and start from the beginning. Friday morning to be exact. I came into work and logged into my computer. I went to a couple of websites and all of a sudden I get a bunch of stuff popping up my screen. "Virus alert....Trojan detected...installing XP Police". Whatever that all is. I grab one of the techs and they decide to reimage my machine. Great! There goes 3 hours of my morning of doing nothing. As soon as I get my computer back, I am bombarded with calls and emails wanting status updates on their requests that they submitted..oh the same day! HELLO, ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY! AUGH! I get a call from my friend Jen. She got fired! They wouldn't even let her go back to her desk to get her stuff. Apparently someone at her job had it out for her from the beginning. I stumble through the rest of my day and get in the car to head home. Jen calls to confirm they are still coming over for dinner and asks if we want them to come earlier. I decline only because I had tons of stuff to do before they got there. I ran my errands, came home and by the time Austin got done eating, they were there. I didn't even get dinner on the stove yet!

I felt horrible as it now was 6 and nobody had eated yet. We sat down to watch the movie "Death Race" after dinner and the 5 year old was in bed. Blockbuster was one of the places I stopped at after work to rent the movie...I ended up buying it instead since there were a bunch of movies 3 for $20. Well, the stupid movie skipped and froze and now I have to take it back. I should have known better than to purchase previously viewed movies. Anyway I knew I had to check the other 5 I bought within 30 days because that's the time limit to return them if they don't work. Saturday morning I woke up and Adam and I were having a little disagreement. Well, three of them I guess. The first one was he told Mikayla she couldn't have a sticker after dance because she didn't stay dry over night. I told him that wasn't something he could take away from her because it was from dance and for doing good at dance. Also, we decided that accidents over night are no cause for punishment. Then my Mom called. She started drilling me about our trip to FL saying she didn't think it was a good idea, and what if I ran into my ex, and when was I going, when was I coming back, etc. Of course Adam was trying to talk to me during my convo with her and that just ended up making me more mad. Then we got to dance and he wants to talk about how he wants to join the softball team for his work. They are just starting this team and they would play on Thursdays. I said "when will you have go to the gym three days a week (M-W) and then you are going to be gone on Th. too! When do I get time to do something? When are you going to spend time with the family?" Apparently he thought that family time was reserved for the weekends only. Nice! We had already decided that we were going to go shopping for each other's V-day's gifts that day. I called his parents to see if we could move his mom's birthday dinner from 3 to 4 to give us more time to shop. She didn't want to...for no reason.

I wasn't in the mood to shop, but I was going with Jen, so I thought it would be fun. He was going to go with my dad. We got home and left right away to go shopping. I had both the kids with me. We ran over to the mall and stopped at Hallmark for V-day cards and a birthday card for his mom's birthday...which we were celebrating at 3:00. Then we went to GNC where I spent $150 on supplements for him. That is his gift that he wanted. I went to Target and saw a Dyson on Clearance! I wanted one for so long and it was the last one on the shelf! I called him and he said "if you get a Dyson, I get a new gun" then he said "let me know what you decide to do". So, I put in the cart and bought it. I got home at 2:20 so we could be at his mom's birthday dinner at Chili's by 3:00. sign of Adam. I call him and he is another 5 minutes away so I tell him to call his mom to let her know we are late. He tells me they went to Cabella's and didn't buy my gift yet...that he HAD to supposedly get Saturday or it would be late. He gets home and says his parents are just getting ready to leave too. Ok, so why couldn't we change the time? Whatever! Who eats dinner at 3 in the afternoon? So we got to dinner and Austin was hungry because I didn't have time to feed him...thinking we were leaving at 2:45 to go out to eat. I gave him a bottle right after I scarfed down my meal. Then I starting telling his brother about Austin's dedication and Adam's mom started attacking me about why I wasn't baptizing him and how I was keeping something from him by not baptizing him. I felt so attached that I wanted to cry and leave the dinner immediately. I have done nothing to this woman but try to help her, listen to her when she needed to vent, and bend over backwards and now I get this! We were invited to their house for cake after dinner and I really didn't want to go! Adam's dad saw how horrible I felt and tried to tell me not to worry about it and that's just how she is. I didn't care, it still was un-called for. How can someone verbally attack someone else right after they get a gift from them! I reminded her that even babies that are baptized make the wrong decisions in life like her son, my husband, for example. She blames it on the people he hung out with. I blame it on his decision to hang out with them.

We still went over there for cake and watched "Fireproof". It is a great movie and can't wait to watch it again with less distractions. So we got home and started arguing about the vacuum cleaner I bought. He said "I told you to let me know what you decided to do". I thought that meant let him know when he got home if I bought it. He tells me that will be part of my V-day gift after I tell him I will just return it. I so want to just leave and cry at this moment! The next morning, I get up and start making this soup for the Sacred Heart Diet that I wanted to start. I gash my finger cutting the onions and Mikayla comes in after eating her breakfast and says her tummy hurts below her belly button. I told her maybe the pull-up was too tight and to go and put underwear on. She comes back up and says it hurts worse. Weird... Then she says she wants to go lay down. I told her that was fine. This was about 9 and we were planning on leaving for church at 10. Adam was downstairs and told her to go poopy, maybe that's why her tummy was hurting. She said she didn't have to go and I heard her starting to cry. I went downstairs and he had given her an enima. She was sitting on the toilet screaming in pain now and only a little poop came out. She kept saying she just wanted to lay down. I pulled him aside and said "something's not right with her and it's not poop related." He was freaking out that we needed to go to the doctor. I told him lets let her lay down for a while and watch her. He got mad at me saying that wouldn't help and that we needed to leave right now. We argued some more and finally I gave in to him. We get her in the car and she can barely walk she is hurting so bad. We are almost to the hospital when this lady started coming over into my lane without to me! Adam saw her and layed on my horn since I was distracted by Mikayla for a second as she was trying to get my attention. I re-focused on the dumb lady who still doesn't know what she did and when we stopped at the light to turn, Mikayla puked 3 times all over herself in the car seat and all over the car!

I felt so bad for her. Adam started freaking out again and I told him not to get mad at her. He said he wasn't and she was crying again. Her tummy still hurting. We got to the ER and she was so pale. I called my dad to bring us a spare coat and clothes for her and he did with Rhonda. It was so nice of them. They took her vitals...not much of a temp. They brought her back and tried to draw blood from her left arm, but bruised her instead. Then tried to draw from her right and got it in. She was crying so bad. She couldn't give a urine sample, so they had to use a cathetor. Poor baby! The doctor came in and started explaining what it could of three things. Stomach flu, bladder infection/kidney infection, or Appendicitis. If the urine sample didn't show anything, we might consider a cat scan for the appendicitis, but since it was still early, the cat scan might now show it even if she does have one and if she does have one and it didn't show, she would have to have another one in a matter of 24-48 hours and that would be a lot of radiation for a 5 year old girl. It would increase her chance of getting cancer and possibly affect her ovaries for having kids later. NO WAY TO THE CAT SCAN!!! I told the doc I would wait for the results and monitor her at home...that way if she got worse I could bring her back and then have it done. The results showed a minor bladder infections..if at all. They gave me a prescription and send us home. The motrin they gave her at the hospital started to wear off and the pain started again. I ran to get her prescription filled after Adam got home from shopping for my V-day gift. I was so tired after spending 5 hours at the hospital with nothing to eat until 4 PM!

I came home and found her asleep in her bedroom with all the lights on, in her clothes and toys on her bed. What a sweety! I got her up to take her meds and got her ready for bed. I had to help her dress since she was still in pain. She still only had a slight temp of 99.6. This morning I woke her up and she said she was ok, but it still hurt. All she had to eat was crackers and water last night as she didn't want anything else. I decided to come to work. At about 7 AM, I was getting calls from Adam. The text I got from him was that the water softener was full of water and leaking onto the floor. Ok, not normal! He called his dad and found out how to shut it off. His dad is coming over tonight to look at it. Hopefully he can fix it or I will have to call someone for service. There's a hundred dollars just to start the service truck. Oh, did I mention it is a full moon today and that this Friday is the 13th? Oh and about the diet. So I am doing ok so far. The soup makes you poop a lot. It is supposed to clean out your system. I brought more with me to work today and am on day 2 of the 7 days. I don't know how long I can make it considering all my stress and the brownies at home calling my name. But I get a baked potato tonight if I don't cheat all day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Time

Today Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th President of the Unites States and the 1st Black President. It is history in the making. I really hope he can live up to the expectations every one is putting on him. The "stimulus" package he is promising Americans is only adding to our already large debt. I don't understand how that is going to "stimulate" our economy. Research shows that only 25% of stimulus packages are used for their intended purpose. The other parts are used for re-paying old debt and saving. Well, what do you do.

Austin was 10 lbs 10 oz. at his appointment on the 9th. He is getting so big already! He is smiling so much now and really watching everything that goes on. He is such a cuddler.
Mikayla is asking about Kindergarten and becoming very interested in when she is going to go. I am trying to figure out how we are going to work the schedule for school and daycare while Adam is working.

I am starting to plan our vacation to Florida! I can't wait. I believe we are going to go Feb. 26-March 8th. Adam has never seen the ocean, so it will be a first for him...and Mikayla....oh and Austin! HA! Austin won't remember it though. It will be much more memorable for Adam and probably Mikayla. We are going to stay with my real dad and Carol. Nice that we won't have to pay for a hotel! Adam doesn't know this yet, but I planned it during Daytona's bike week! He really wants to go to that. We will head down there for a day. I will probably take the kids to the Jacksonville Zoo too. We will also definately be indulging in some fresh sushi!!! YUM!

Thursday, January 8, 2009