Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our little princess

So our little princess started pre-school just over a week ago. She absolutely loves it! Every day she has a new "Jesus" story to tell me about that she learned. Yesterday I picked her up and she started singing me a bible song! It was: I may never march in the infantry
Here are the lyrics:
I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery. I may never fly o'er the enemy, But I'm in the Lord's army. (yes, sir!) I'm in the Lord's army, (yes, sir!) I'm in the Lord's army, (yes, sir!) I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the Calvary, Shoot the artillery. I may never fly o'er the enemy, But I'm in the Lord's army. (yes, sir!)

Ok, so you have to imagine a 4 year old's voice singing this song. So adorable. Instead of of saying Lord's army, she would say "Lord's R U". I asked her "Are you sure it isn't lord's army?" She said "No mom! It is Lord's R U!"

I got to take her to the park for the first time last night and she had a blast. She was so good to go grocery shopping with me afterwards and was so excited to come home and have alone time with mommy since daddy was working still. Of course when he came home she got all excited all over again! I decided to do some volunteer work. I am volunteering through my company to go to a school on May 22nd and teach them about banking and money. I am not sure how it will all go yet as I haven't received my training leadership packet yet, but I requested to teach the 1st graders. I thought they would be more fun than 6th graders. I remember when I was a 6th grader.....oh no! All they do is make fun of you and don't listen. Anyway, it should be fun and I still get paid for it :) YAY! Two more days until my little goddaughter is 2! Oh that reminds me...I need to get her card in the mail! Well, back to work for now. I only have a half hour left until I go home.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Just a Hello

Hello everyone! There is a lot going on right now. Most of it good...just a lot going on. Well, Adam's SIL finally had their baby last night. It was a girl, born at 7:01 PM, weighing in at 7 lbs 4oz, 19 1/2 inches long. She has dark curly hair and Shannon's lips...from what we have been told. They are still deciding on the name..either Madeline or Anna. We are making the trip to the hospital tonight since they didn't want anyone there yesterday until the baby came.

We finally bought our house! We move in May 30th and 31st! I can't wait to get out of the apartment living. It sucks! No more noisy neighbors, no more broken windows, and no more cigarette smells coming from everywhere in the building! EW!

My little goddaughter is turning two in just under 2 weeks! I can't believe how big she is getting. She calls me Mimi which I absolutely love...she can't say Missy :) How adorable! I just wish they lived closer so I could see her more.

Our little princess starts pre-school on Monday! She is excited and nervous I think. She has been testing the waters with Adam everyday lately to see what she can get away with. Not much still! HA! Adam starts back to work hopefully by the 14th :) I know he is happy to start getting up early again....he he! Yeah right! Work is still...well... work. Not much new there.