Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 weeks!!!

I am now down to 2 weeks until d-day! I can't believe it! I am still not dilated according to the doctor and not effaced either. My cervix is soft so that is good since that means I am making some progress. It sure is frustrating not to be dilated though. I have this feeling he will either come really really fast or I will be induced :( I am officially working from home starting today until I deliver. YAY! I couldn't be happier. I have this pressure on my pelvis that somedays hurts with every step I take. I didn't have that with Mikayla. He likes to push his butt from side to side too which is really cute..except for the elbow that pokes out my side when he does it. I am working harder on catching up on my scrapbooking now :) I actually made a lot of progress today. The dog left me alone all day which was nice for a change. Usually she is in my face! She is barking at me right now because her Kong (toy) is underneath the hutch and can't get it. It rolled under there while we were playing fetch. Poor baby!

I am also working on Austin's baby least up until the birth part. I have his baby book that we bought at Target to the right spot. I should have his scrapped baby book there too except I am waiting for some pictures to be sent from Snapfish :) I am taking Mikayla trick/treating tonight at Celebration Church with Missy, Abby, and Brody. I am excited since even though I see Missy everyday when I pick up Mikayla, I don't get to hang out much. The last time we did something with the kids was going to the zoo when we still lived at our old Apartment. That seems like forever now! Anyway, I suppose I better get the dog her toy before her screaching bark drives me more insane!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another week down

I am down to 3 1/2 weeks until my due date. I am actually feeling good today which was rare last week. I think by the end of October I will be working from home most of the time. It is really hard to make the trek into work everyday and I don't have a lot to do anyway. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow so hopefully I will find out I am dilated. It sure feels that way! My wonderful husband insulated our garage this weekend...with a little pushing :) He was so proud once he was all done. It looks great and the garage is already staying warmer :) Sunday I had lunch with Megan and he stayed home with Mikayla and mowed the lawn and puts some stuff in the shed for the winter. Everything looked great and Mikayla was excited to see me when I got home. It was nice to have 3 hours to myself for once :) I got one shelf lined in the kitchen and I hope to get them all done this coming weekend. Do you think I am nesting? Maybe....? LOL! All these last minute projects I want to do all of a sudden. It is kind of funny. I can't believe Halloween is right around the corner. We need to get a pumpkin! Maybe we can get to a pumpkin patch this coming weekend and take some more pictures. Hopefully Austin doesn't decide to ruin his sister's halloween fun :) At least someone can take her if he does.... she would be so mad if she couldn't go trick or treating. This coming Saturday is "wear your costume to class" at Dance. She is so excited to be able to do this. We will have to bring some treats for the kids :) We put the car seats in Sunday for Austin, so that is all done and we packed our hospital bag last night...well most of it. Some stuff is saved for last minute. Adam got an outfit ready and out in case I go into labor in the middle of the night. One of his favorite movies is Father of the Bride (one and two). I swear he will be just like Steve Martin...rushing around panicking! It will be cute though :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Turning 30!

I turned 30 on Friday and it doesn't feel any far. I did some major nesting on Sunday and am ready for this baby to come out! I had a horrible day at work today and couldn't stand to be here another hour if I had to. My work days aren't usually bad, but today was like working in hell. I don't understand people that think they can push other people around by bullying them. They have a low self esteem and have to make themselves feel like they are "somebody" by bullying other. Totally inappropriate, especially to a 9 month pregnant woman at work! Get a life!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Another Year Gone By

Time goes by just too darn fast some times. We have those days or weeks that we can't wait for them to end, then we have to those days/weeks (vacations most likely) that we wish we could freeze time for. It reminds me of the movie "Click". Where can I get one of those remotes, except for the after effect. Anyway, today marks my "one year Anniversary" with Adam. He is such a wonderful man and I couldn't have asked for a better husband! He is supporting, loving, and caring. I love him so much! I have watched him change and grow and become a great man. We had some ups and downs before we got married, but we worked through them and with God's help and guidance have really moved forward. He is also a wonderful father and we are expecting our little Austin to arrive anytime in the next 5 1/2 weeks!

Last night we were at the grocery store. I got there cranky and tired from struggling with a cold all day and just couldn't wait to get our stuff and leave. We arrived at Cub and I parked next to this small powder blue Toyota with two rear-facing car seats in the back (that barely fit). My first thought was "Aw...that's got to be hard." Then we went about our shopping. As we headed down the cereal isle, I noticed this extremely tall black man studying a cereal box. Thinking nothing more of it, I walked passed him to grab our cereal. We get to the checkout line a while later and this same black man was in front of us checking out. He had some milk, juice and cereal on the belt. I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention once again at this, so I headed down the isle to start helping to bag some stuff. The black man had to go back for something and then ended up behind us in line. Not really sure what happened since I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, I got one bag done when Adam was done paying. I needed to sit down at this point since the grocery store walking had wore me out. Adam tells me to sit down and relax and he will take care of bagging. I sit down and start to observe. I see the tall black man is using a WIC check to pay for the items he had selected.

If you don't know what WIC is, it is a government program to assist women and children to buy things like Milk, formula, cereal (with strict fiber guidelines), juice (100% juice), etc. I know this because I was on WIC when I had Mikayla. We were very broke and couldn't afford anything...I mean even the dollar menu at McDonalds. We were even on Food Stamps and general assistance. Well, I wasn't the only one that noticed this because as we walked out of the store, Adam said to me "was he using WIC?" I said "Yes." He said "That must be embarrassing." I said "it is, especially when you get an un-experienced checker and she paws through your items and studies the back of the check to make sure you got what you were supposed to." We headed to the car and I noticed that now the blue Toyota we parked next to had these two little babies in the back seat. They were twins! One girl, one boy and the mother was sitting in the passenger seat. I quietly pointed them out to Adam "look, there are twins in that car next to us!" They were so cute as their big brown eyes watched us intently unload the cart. Adam was giving Mikayla a "fun ride" in the cart and as they got into the car, we saw the tall black man walk up to the driver's side of the blue toyota next to us. My heart sank as I saw my life 5 years ago. Adam and I weren't saying a word at this point and he pulled out his wallet and said "I only have 4 ones on me". I said "you were thinking the same thing I was". I said "I don't think I have any.....wait! I have some cash that I hid in my wallet for emergencies that I most often totally forget about". He said "you do?" I said "yeah, I never remember I have this...which is a good thing, but I do." I pulled out a $10 bill and he asked me if I wanted him to give it to them. I said "no, let me do it. One mother to another." We noticed the tall black man had gone back in again to Cub so she was alone with the babies. I opened the door and knocked on her window as she was attempting to put bib's on the babies in the back from the front seat. She opened her door, and I handed her the $10 and said "I know how it is because I have been there....(now fighting back the tears)." She said thank you and I said you are welcome and turned toward my door. She then rolled her window down and said "God bless you!" I said "you too!" I got in the car and Adam was all excited.. "what did she say" he said. I heard her as I noticed he had rolled my window down too. We started to pull out and she had this huge smile on her face and was waving to us. Adam waved and smiled as did I. On the way out of the parking lot Adam turns to me and says "God helps us out so many times..... you know this is the first time I have ever really wanted to help someone." I said "really?" He said "yeah..." He was staring out the window and then he asked me if I was ok. I was fighting back tears still. I can't even type this story without fighting tears. I told Adam that when I buy those pre-filled grocery bags for $5 at Cub (they are specifically made to donate to the food shelf), that those are the families this stuff goes to. I think now he understands.

On a lighter note....we went to MN Harvest on Saturday with Adam's family (mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, cousin, and friend). That was fun! We had a little issue when we all tried to go to eat at OK Corrall afterwards, but the time spent with the family was worth the "issues". Every family has them :) I love Adam's family because they love spending time as a family...something my mom's side doesn't do.

As an update to the dishwasher situation...we finally got it in. My dad came over and lifted the counter top with a couple 2X4's and we were able to get the old one out and the new one in. It works awesome and we love it!

Adam passed his test for his Class A/CDL license and is sort of job searching right now. Not much out there that isn't asking for 2 years + experience, but we will see. Well, that's about it for now :)