Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Already?

It is literally the middle of March (the snowiest month of the winter) and we haven't had any snow! I am not complaining by any fact I am loving it! Yesterday is was like 60 out and beautiful! We went for a short walk and the dog was by far the most excited out of all of us! :) She more like walked me for the first half and then of course was all tame and nice when the hubby took her...I wore her out for him :) We got a lot done yesterday. We went to church in the morning and then off to Sam's club to buy a bunch of food and a chest freezer...yay! Then home to get the freezer up and running so we could put all the stuff we just bought in it. In the process of putting that up, I had to start moving junk so of course that put me on course to get the new file cabinet I had still in the box set up and all organized. While I did that Austin slept and Mikayla played out in the backyard on the patio with her chalk. The dog kept her company the whole time...while keeping her eye on her as well. The hubby took the cars and gassed them up and washed them both and then went to help a friend move some furniture to prepare for their new baby due in April.

After all that was done my back was killing me from sitting in a hard chair for a couple of hours...sorting through papers and I had find a soft spot to sit for a few. I am 19 weeks prego right now and we find out a week from today what we are having...I so can't wait! I am shopping around for bunk beds....just in case it's a boy ;) We are also sort of picking out different gender names but nothing solid by any means.

That whole daylight savings thing caught up with me today of course....right when I had to go back to work...yuck.

Dear whoever invented daylight savings,
You suck and who cares about changing time! I just want to stick to the same time all year. If I want more daylight...I will adjust my own schedule thank you very much!

On another note, I applied for a different position within my current company and after three interview rounds and the last one being two weeks ago...I am still waiting to hear! Talk about stressful! I am one of 5 finalists so pray I get it because it would be awesome! My photography business is booming! I just got my new website up and running last week and within the first 24 hours had 4 people respond about doing their weddings this year! Too bad too of them were right when I am due! :( I have 3 weddings coming up in the next two months so that will keep me busy! I am working with my friend, Beth, to get her broken into the business as well. I need someone to help me...especially for the wedding I have booked 3 weeks before my due date...Yikes! I can do it though :)

Hubby is still job hunting but not much out there. He is planning with another friend of his to start their own mowing business this summer as a side job. I helped them get their business cards made up on Saturday and now they just need some customers!

Mikayla is still loving school! Her dance on Wed. and girl scouts also keep her busy. She sold about 310 boxes of cookies this year and her recital for dance will be coming up in June. Until then we have costumes coming at the end of April, pictures in May, and then dress rehearsal.

Austin has started throwing baby is actually quite funny and very short! He has gotten so attached to daddy since they are together all day everyday that when daddy leaves the room or won't pick him up the separation anxiety kicks in . He starts by looking at you with sad eyes and crying. Then his knees drop to the floor...followed by his hands and head. With his but in the air and his face in the carpet he cries. A few seconds...literally...and he gets up and is all done. I feel bad at first and then it is just funny!

Well, time for lunch...I am starving!

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